Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Happy 92nd Paolo!

Paolo with blue hat on knee at his birthday lunch
Yesterday, June 21st 2011 was the Summer Solstice and also the 92nd Birthday of Paolo Soleri! A tradition of Arcosanti to celebrate Soleri's birthday is Frugal Soup. Know as the Tiger and Flea meal in which the tiger represents the beast of world hunger. A simple vegetable and rice soup is served with water. Truly powerful when everyone is eating in silence under the shade of the vaults. As more people joined we did not have enough bowls for the entire circle and personally it was humbling to sit with only a spoon watching your neighbors eat across the circle. A great moment to be thankful and appreciate all that life provides us. 

Abby Frost snapped a quick photo at lunch
Arcosanti is truly a great place to converse with like minded individuals, one great example is Abby Frost! The founder of Save Maumee Grassroots Organization ( in Indiana. She has been at Arcosanti for the past month doing watershed research and is a very inspiring individual who has been encouraging conservation since 2001. Keep up the good work Abby!

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