The Earthship World Headquarters is the brainchild of architect Mike Renyolds. After finishing up his architecture degree he began to experiment with “trash” as building materials. These radically sustainable homes have been constructed all over the world in multiple climates. The most modern model, called the Global Model, is used as a visitor center.
These homes are considered to be “radically sustainable” because they are not tied, in any way, to the typical city grid system. This means that they treat their own sewage: Grey water is used for plants in the built-in greenhouse, and also for toilet water. The toilet water turns into black water, which is flushed out into a solar-powered septic tank. Once treated, the water is sent to a leach field which also provides for plant growth. They provide their own electricity through wind power and solar panels. They provide their own heat, without gas or electricity, by utilizing the greenhouse and solar gain system shown below. Solar gain is the process of constructing habitable environments to utilize the sun’s energy at specific angles during different seasons.
When Mike Reynolds wanted to created a sustainable home, he had three principles: (quoted from Wikipedia at
“…first, it would be sustainable architecture, using material indigenous to the entire planet as well as recycled materials wherever possible. Second, the homes would rely on natural energy sources and be independent from the “grid”, therefore being less susceptible to natural disasters and free from the electrical and water lines that Reynolds considered unsightly and wasteful. Finally, it would be economically feasible for the average person with no specialized construction skills to be able to create.”
We were impressed with the style and modernity of these homes - despite being constructed from trash and renewable Earth resources, these homes were a lot more interesting than 99% of the homes being constructed for the ‘burbs in large cities.
The woodwork was stunning, and creativity may be seen in the bottle finishes.
The buildings use passive solar gain to capture heat, & grow plants.
Here’s the Global Model from the outside.
I am standing on the roof, photographing the water spillway.
Below is part of the water collection/solar panel system.
Evidently, switching to metal roofs allowed much finer control over water catchment. Atmospheric effects as subtle as morning dew have resulted in usable water for Earthship designs. The metal roofs also melt snow providing usable water in the winter.
Here we see some building materials.
…like tires. Tires, rammed with earth, make up the primary structural exterior walls. This provides a large thermal mass
A very unique, one-of-a-kind windmill was generating power for another Earthship still in construction. Vertical windmills are great for any environment, they can handle strong winds and catch small winds. For more details and drawings visit
This Earthsip is called “EVE”, and is a revolutionary strategy to eliminate impoverished conditions for communities in 3rd world areas currently reliant upon difficult and unsustainable infrastructural conditions, including food, energy, and community activities.
From : “The economy is a game. This game should be about nonessential things (motorcycles, computers, televisions). A person feeding their family, staying alive, having shelter… that should not be subject to an economy. We should have truly sustainable villages that provide a life independent of the economy… and what better way to create them than to have a building prototype that doesn’t need any utilities, produces food, is made of recycled materials and is easy enough to build, that unskilled people can do it. The whole EVE concept embodies an education that can be shared around the world. People can come for short or long periods of time, live here super cheap in terms of a rent payment and everything else is provided. They can eat here, they can drink here, they will have all of the basic essentials of life here. We’ll have flat screen tvs and high speed internet which are essential to some. We will have so much of what people need here that they won’t have to take trips in to town as often. We will be providing in our own “insignificant economy”, the things that people need, in a green and sustainable way.”
The architecture reminds some of architect Antonio Gaudí’s work. Specifically, Park Güell in Barcelona, Spain -
We were both incredibly happy to see such a direct response to the world’s economic and infrastructural deficiencies.
From afar, one can make out the community at large. The buildings are partially covered by earth, and blend into the landscape. This is yet another poignant example of coexisting harmoniously with the natural environment.
For information on visiting the Earthship World Headquarters, and staying overnight in one of the Earthships, visit
This is the most intelligent, sustainable, affordable, and customizable house design that I know of today.
For those that want to be self- sufficient, sustainable, or just have a beautiful, comfortable GREEN house. This is your house!
For an overview, with snow on the ground this house was growing tomatoes, beets, lettuces, banana trees, tropical plants, and mushrooms. It is made with tires, cans, concrete, plaster, metal, glass, wood, and is compatible with our high technology lifestyle. Their website also has a large HOW-TO section and videos on you-tube.
For those that want to be self- sufficient, sustainable, or just have a beautiful, comfortable GREEN house. This is your house!
For an overview, with snow on the ground this house was growing tomatoes, beets, lettuces, banana trees, tropical plants, and mushrooms. It is made with tires, cans, concrete, plaster, metal, glass, wood, and is compatible with our high technology lifestyle. Their website also has a large HOW-TO section and videos on you-tube.
Enjoy building!
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